
Bonsais are dwarfed plants, with an international debate to where it was first originated, whether China or Japan. Historically, bonsai first appeared in China thousand years ago, on a very primitive and basic scale. Once bonsai was introduced in Japan, the art was refined to an extent not yet approached in Chine. A bonsai is not a particular tree, any kind could become one. The idea of growing a bonsai is shaping and training any plant to its ultimate beauty, reflecting your personal art and patience, thus becoming your pride and gratification. Most Bonsais are outdoor plants although few are able to grow indoors. An important factor is the age of the tree, which will give its monetary value. Bonsais being old trees, and planted in shallow soil, makes them not tolerant to the slightest mistake, making them quite difficult to keep.
Being an outdoor plant, it needs maximum light in a shaded area. Most owners would prefer to keep them indoors (to enjoy them all day) our recommendation will then be to place them right next to a sunny window.
Optimum temperature should be in the range of 20 C to 25 C.
In summer, you have to check regularly (twice daily in our Egyptian hot weather) to make sure the plant is not thirsty and the soil has not dried completely; this is due to the shallow pot size. To be safe in summer, keep the soil humid most of the time.
Be careful not to overwater on winter, since the plant will be in its dormancy.
Feeding should be sparingly, every month or 40 days.
Helpful Instructions
Bonsais do tolerate changing their shapes by the owner (cutting and reshaping). Branches and leaves are to be cut back regularly as well as their root system. Have a shape in mind and work towards it, slowly. Bending branches can be acquired by adding weight or wires.
Varieties of Bonsai available in store